This variety is considered a medicinal rice variety for Ayurvedic medicines.Kaluheenati is highly nutritious red rice that enhances sexuality. potency and physical strength and its high fiber content help regulate bowel, movement. It is effective in keeping diabetes under control as well as controlling the toxic effects of snakebites. Porridge made with kaluheenati rice is recommended for, hepatitis patients. In ancient times Kalu Heenati was a source for treating various. ailments, especially for diarrhea, diabetes, and cholesterol. The meaning of Kalu Heenati is the “black and fine striped of the grain.” This is a monthly variety producing medium-size red pericarped grain. Neither this is suitable for puddle muddy paddy lands nor for the iron toxic paddy fields. This variety can grow well in dry zone conditions. Kalu heenati is moderately resistant to seedling Thirips. The culm is rather a week and tall about 115-120 cm thereby it might lodge at a mature stage. Grain yield is inbetween 30-50 bushels per acre but grain shattering at harvesting is slightly high.Proximate composition: Protein 9-11%, fat 2.7%, crude fiber 2%, Ash 2%,Carbohydrates 70-72%, Iron 3% and Zinc 3.5% (SNA, 2013).Medicinal and nutritional qualities: Perfect for daily consumption and particularly recommended for lactating mothers.
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